Monday, September 24, 2018

My Happy Place Row Along - My Sewing Room

I hope that you are having a great time doing the My Happy Place Row Along Blog Hop!
Thank you Marian Pena of Seams to be Sew for hosting the hop and for all the work that you have done!
Thank you also to Northcott Fabrics for the lovely fabric that you have donated to us to use in our rows.

I chose my sewing room for my happy place.  It truly is my Happy Sewing Room!  All I have to do is walk into it and I am a happier person.  I don't even have to sew!  :-)  I have so many things that I love surrounding me there, I can't help but smile.  I even have what I call my command center there, which includes my computer and my kindle fire tablet to supply my music.  And don't forget the warm cup of coffee or tea.  Just perfect!

Here is a picture of my row - both the original sample(on right)  and the one on the left made with some of the beautiful fabrics from Northcott Fabrics.

I found when I was sewing my second row, that I had turned the half square triangle corner blocks of the star wall hanging the opposite direction.  I decided to leave it that way.  It gives it a little bit of a different look.  If there is one thing that I found when quilting, mistakes can be your new creation!  Don't sweat it!  It may work in your favor!

I thought that I would share some pics of my sewing room with you.

I added borders with spool cornerstones to finish my row into a wall hanging.  I think that this would look lovely hanging in your sewing room or on your sewing room door.

You could also just make the sewing machine block, which is a 12" finished block, and use it in any quilt that uses blocks that finish to 12".  Add two of your favorite 12" blocks to both sides of the sewing machine block and you have a great table runner.  
Add borders and you can have a small wall hanging or make it into a pillow.

I have included instructions for the borders and 12" sewing machine block with the row pattern.

This is the lovely fabric that I received from Northcott Fabrics:
The two prints are from the Heritage Quilting line and the white on white that I used for the background is Beatrice 21537-11

There are wonderful giveaways during the My Happy Place Row Along!

Hoffman My Hex Simple Precut Bundle
Hoffman My Hex 637 Simple Precut Bundle

Worldwide Shipping / Shipping Cost paid by winner.
Value $35.00
Description Link:
Links To Actual Products Found On Description Page At Marian's Blog
Starts September 25, 2018 / Ends Oct 02, 2018
Sponsor URL:


I really love Hoffman fabrics.  The colors are amazing and the feel of the fabric is wonderful!

You will find additional giveaways on Marian's Blog
Also check out the Electric Quilt 8 giveaway on Marian's blog at 
I own this program and have used Electric Quilt since EQ4.  I absolutely love this program!  I design all of my quilts on this program and also use it to make purchased patterns if I want to plug in fabrics and colors to see how it looks before I sew it.  I have even been known to use it to make blocks smaller than the original design.  There are so many uses for this program, that if I listed them all, you would be here forever!  Please check it out.

Here are the designers that are sharing the day with me:

Tuesday September 25, 2018
You can find the rules and guidelines for the giveaways here on Marian's Blog. at Seams to be Sew

Happy Sewing and Happy Hopping!


Friday, September 7, 2018

A Small Peek

Here is a small peek at My Happy Place RAL.

Can you guess what it is?  I'm afraid that I can't tell you until September 25th, when I will share my row with you.  I can't wait!

I hope that you are enjoying seeing everyone else's rows.

Happy Sewing,

Thursday, September 6, 2018

My Happy Place Row Along

I am so excited to announce that I have been asked to participate in the My Happy Place Row Along this year!

It starts this week and features many designers who have created rows based on their Happy Place.  You can get free patterns for their rows for a limited time and also enter many drawings.

I will be sharing my row with you on September 25, 2018.

You can find all of the info about the blog hop by clicking on the link below.

Below is a list of the participating designers:

Tuesday September 4, 2018
Thursday September 6, 2018
Tuesday September 11, 2018
Thursday September 13, 2018
Tuesday September 18, 2018
Thursday September 20, 2018
Tuesday September 25, 2018
Thursday September 27, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Show and Tell Day
Happy Sewing,